6 tips for writing a great brief for a website designer

6 tips for writing a great brief for a website designer

If you’ve decided your business needs a new website, and that you’re going to hire the services of website designers Manchester, you’ll now need to start thinking about your brief. Writing a good brief doesn’t need to be a longwinded task. But, covering off these key points will ensure you and your chosen website designer are on the same page, and will ultimately help make sure you’re happy with the end result, and have your dream website. So, if you’re struggling to put pen to paper, here’s our top tips for writing a brief.

Why write a brief ?

You may be wondering why it’s important to write a brief out. If you’re searching for website designers in Manchester and are looking to speak to various companies to see who will work best for you, chances are you will be asked the same questions time, and time again. Having a written brief will mean you needn’t spend time which each company answering the same questions, which will make the process of finding a website designer more efficient. You’ll also be able to get a good gauge of whether the company is right for you, based on the way they respond to your brief.
So, what should a website design brief include?

1. About your business

It’s crucial that website designers understand what your business does, and how it operates in order to build a website that will work for you. Include information about your products or services, how many are offered, which are the key products or services that you want to highlight? Write down a few sentences or a list of things that make your business different, or your USPs. Why should a customer pick you over a competitor. A website designer will then be able to take all of this information to deliver designs which really showcase your business in the right way.

2. Your target audience

Understanding as much as possible about your target audience is crucial for a website designer. A website built for a business to business company will differ greatly from one designed for elderly customers or a younger market. Describe a typical customer of your business, their age, gender, the problem that they have and how your business solves this problem. If you have any data on your customers, this can be really helpful, but anecdotal information can equally help a designer make sure your website is suitable.

It’s also worth at this point thinking about whether you would like your new website to appeal to a wider market. If there’s an audience you haven’t tapped into, but would like to, your new website is great opportunity to do this.

3. Your current website

Chances are if you’re looking for website designers, you’re not happy with your current site. It’s really useful to provide a designer with why you’re looking for a new website. Is the performance not working for you? Is it too slow? Difficult to navigate? Does it not include a blog, and you’d like one?
If you have analytics, such as Google analytics, this could be really helpful for a website designer to have access to. This will help them understand how customers use your current website, what pages are most popular and which ones don’t see as many views. From there, they will be able to design a website which will work for your customer base.

Read More : Great Briefs for Website Designers

4. Your new website

You’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about what you want your new website to look like, and this is where you get to tell the website designers. It can be really helpful to provide them with a list of websites you really like. Either from your industry or from another industry all together. Tell them what you like about this website, and it will give them an idea of what you’re looking for from their designs.

If there’s any functionality you’d like on your website, from a blog to e-commerce capabilities to contact forms, it’s important to let them know in the brief. It can be difficult to incorporate these features later on in the process, although not impossible, but may add time onto the project if things need to be added. So , o keep the process as quick and easy as possible, let them know about these elements upfront.

Website Designers Manchester

Once you’ve written the brief for your new website, we’d love to help. If you’re interested in getting a quote or finding out more information, speak to our team of website designers in Manchester and find out how we can help.
Contact Details:-
MPA Ltd,
76 King St, Manchester M2 4NH.
T: 0161 241 7447
E: info@mobilephoneappsltd.co.uk
W: http://mpadigital.co.uk/